A downloadable game for Android

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Stairs to Bessaker is an App that is aimed at motivating people to get into hiking. This one is made for Bessaker but can be used for pretty much any mountains if wanted.  

The game has different modes:

- Running mode where the aim is to get to the last QR code as fast as possible, then you get a score placed on the leader board. This is to play on the competitiveness of people to make them run up more often as they can see that someone has beaten them from home.

- Quiz mode is where you will be hiking up the stairs to Vettan and for every QR code you scan, there will a quiz in which you will answer. If you get the correct answer then you get a certain amount of points to get on the leader board. If you can answer it correctly for days in a row, you will get a multiplier so that you will get an increased score

- Action mode, this game mode is aimed at the younger people that walk up Vettan to try and make it a more interesting experience for them to go hiking. We will be presenting them with a game where your aim is to shoot down a certain amount of airplanes or boats when you get to the QR codes. If you are able to shoot them all down with the amount of shots you have, you will get a fixed amount of score. The score can get multiplied though by how many action modes you have completed successfully without missing anything. These scores will also be placed on a ladder board to try and engage the competitiveness of people.

During the creation of the app, we are constantly trying to make sure that we do not take away all the focus from the hiking trip to the app, but rather try to make the app an aid for people that needs an extra push to start hiking up mountains. 

How to play:

We have also added a function so that you can print out the QR codes placed in the zip folder and use those instead so that the app can be used anywhere. The app will also currently only work for Android phones as it's what we will be focusing on in the beginning before we start porting the game over to iPhones later on.

Currently, the app is only in English, but this is also something that we want to do something about later on, like adding Norwegian and other languages. 

We have also planned a learning mode where it will be like a sound book at each QR code that you can listen to, to get small bits of information about the history of the place which is currently Bessaker where Vettan is located.


StairsToVettan.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

The QR code for the game lies in the folder that is downloadable, and the .apk with the game also lies there as a backup if the game does not function in Google Play.

You have to scan the Start QR code for the different games to show.

Just unzip the zipped folder,  then go into Android folder and move the .apk file to the phone to start the game.

Also available on

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